Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A day with the family for $25!

Yes I said a day out for only $25.00 and that is for a family of four too! In this post I am going to give four different detailed examples on how to take the whole family out of the house most of the day.

Example One-Nice summer day! Park, lunch, and city tour!  Start off by getting ready the night before. If you have younger ones, make sure diaper bag has everything you may possibly need. Get lunch and snacks packed in a cooler or back pack. If the city tour takes place on bikes, make sure tires are aired up, helmets are ready and if you have child carriers or seats to set up do so now! When you wake up in the morning make sure the family eats a hearty breakfast for the event filled day ahead. You can drive, walk, or bike to the park depending on how far away the park is. I would probably drive since the park is on the other side of the city for me. Children love the park, they can run, climb, swing, and be as loud as they want! Hang out with the kids for a few hours at the park letting them get out lots of energy and getting that much craved and needed exercise. It's a good way for you to let out the kid inside and get some exercise! After a long morning of playing find a spot to pop a squat and eat some lunch! After lunch maybe play a little bit more or get ready for your city tour. I suggest a city tour for a couple reasons. One being if you're fairly new to area, you can really learn about all the exciting things going on in your neighborhood or even meet a couple new people. Two is if you are native to the city or have been there quite awhile you may learn some new things, notice there is a new business opening up, you might even see an old friend you haven't seen in quite some time and you can act as tour guide to the kids and let them know what life was like when you were there ages! At the end of the day take the family out for ice cream cones at a local ice cream parlor!

Example two-Rainy day fun! Matinee, lunch, indoor play land, and library! All you have to do is have a good breakfast at home with family and look online at what movies your theater offers during matinee times and prepare a lunch. Some theaters actually offer children movies for $3 a person or less. My local theater actually has free kids movies for everyone on weekdays! One important thing to remember is not to buy theater food. It's early enough that you just had breakfast and should not too much and if you do just sneak it in! I know you are not supposed to, but does your theater do purse checks? Mine does not and the prices are ridiculously high. If you don't feel comfortable with this approach, buy a large popcorn and get cups for water. It's healthier than pop and it's free! Go home for a lunch that has all ready been prepared. After lunch take the family to the local McDonald's. (If they have a play land) You can get cookies 3/$1 or $.50 each. So for $1.50, everyone can have a cookie and the kids can play at the play land. After the play land take the family to the library, the library is free and promoting reading in the household is never bad. Also since you're at the library picking out books, you can also pick up a movie for the night!

Example three- Some Winter Culture!  The weather is cold and you're stuck inside, what to do? Well bundle the family up after a warm breakfast and go on down to a museum. I know not all areas have museums but many larger cities do or if there is a cultural center in your area that would be fun too! Most of these places have down times and days and on those days you can get in for a discount, sometimes 50% or more! If the museum is large enough, it could take a few hours to get through the whole thing. After the museum head home for some cocoa/coffee/tea (whatever your vice maybe), grilled cheese sandwiches, and some tomato soup!

Example four- Chilly fall day! Fall is my favorite season because there is so much to do and if you are lucky enough to see the color of the leaves changing its gorgeous! Start your day with a warm breakfast and bundle the kids up if need be and head down to the local apple orchard/cider mill. It's great because you can take a hay ride, do crafts, pick out your pumpkin for Halloween, eat doughnuts, drink hot cider, and enjoy yourselves for quite a few hours!

These are just four things you can do for under $25, but you can also look for free concerts in the area, church fun days for kids (usually free games and food for the everyone but has a message with all the games, a local church just had a "say 'no' to drug" day", school plays, school sports games, and neighborhood potlucks. Just remember to take lots of pictures so you'll always have the memories. Just pay attention to flash photography rules and have a great time!

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